Artist couples of modernism. Hans Purrmann and Mathilde Vollmoeller-Purrmann in discourse

Symposium at the Purrmann House Speyer in cooperation with the Hans Purrmann Archive Munich
6. and July 7, 2021

“Modernist artist couples” were the focus of the symposium to mark the 30th anniversary of the Museum Purrmann-Haus Speyer. The starting point for the academic discourse of numerous outstanding specialists in this exciting topic of art history was the publication of the second volume of the edition of the correspondence of the artist couple Hans Purrmann and Mathilde Vollmoeller-Purrmann, edited and processed by Felix Billeter and Maria Leitmeyer. The publication entitled “Stormy Times” from 1915-1943 continues the first volume “Longing for the Other” from the Paris years 1909-1914 in the close circle around Henri Matisse. On the basis of this source research, the Speyer symposium took up the topic of artists’ marriages in the 20th century and examined it using the examples of Reinhold and Sabine Lepsius, Oskar and Marg Moll, Leo von König and Mathilde Tardif, Maria Caspar-Filser and Karl Caspar, Alexej von Jawlensky and Marianne von Werefkin, Gabriele Münter and Wassily Kandinsky and finally Max Beckmann and Minna Tube.

The publication on the symposium Künstlerpaare der Moderne. Hans Purrmann and Mathilde Vollmoeller-Purrmann in Discourse, ed. by Felix Billeter and Maria Leitmeyer, with contributions by Stefan Borchardt, Ingrid von der Dollen, Annette Dorgerloh, Isabelle Jansen, Peter Kropmanns, Gerhard Leistner, Christiane Zeiller and Roman Zieglgänsberger will be published by Deutscher Kunstverlag Berlin/Munich 2021.

Further information can be found here.

Purrmann House
Kleine Greifengasse 14
67346 Speyer