Hans Purrmann. The paintings

Christian Lenz/Felix Billeter (Eds.)

Catalogue raisonné, vols. I-II
Published in 2004 by Hirmer-Verlag, Munich

Hans Purrmann ranks among the most important German artists of the 20th century, his works are to be found in all major collections of the German-speaking region. Especially his teacher and friend Henri Matisse had a significant influence on him and his artistic development. Purrmann’s oeuvre is characterized by a rather ceremonial view on the world that he celebrated in landscapes, still lifes, interiors, portraits and figure portraits. After his stay in Paris he had a further artistic acme in Berlin and Langenargen, where he lived between 1916 and 1935. Defamed as „degenerate“ artist by the National Socialists, he went to Florence, from where he could flee to Switzerland, where he lived in Ticino until 1966. This publication is the first complete catalogue raisonné of Purrmann’s almost 1400 paintings. The works are depicted with colorful photos, and information is given on technique, provenance, literature and exhibitions. The catalogue is completed by essays on life and work of Hans Purrmann and by a comprehensive bibliography and a register.

„The result is a two-volume art book of outstanding technical quality which adequately reflects the colorful power of Purrmann’s works.“
(Speyerer Morgenpost)

Volume 1: 408 pages, 660 illustrations in colour
Volume 2: 388 pages, 640 illustrations in colour
Format of both volumes: 24.5 x 31.5 cm, linen
Price: 398,00 €